Travel and Expense management System
Admin part
Responsible for one-time system configurations
Admin part
Responsible for day-to-day activities
End users part
Responsible for reimbursement workflow for Claim and requisitions
A. One-time setup to be done by Admin / appropriate role
- Configuration of expense templates for employees to be able to submit travel requisitions and different types of claims with or without requisitions.
- Configuration of expense template for petty cash management, if that feature is needed
- Definition of expense template wise workflows (e.g. separate workflow for travel related claims vs business expenses related claims)
- Definition of approver(s) for a cost center / type of claim / branch – for each employee.
- Multiple currency support configuration for overseas travel related claims
- Configuration of masters like – Cost centers, Branch, Exhaustive list of reasons available for Claims, General Ledger Code mapping
- Add / Edit users
- Definition of role and access for every activity performed in the system
- Configuration of multiple reports using Report designer
- Configuration of role based access for each configured report before rolling out the report
B. Activities of Finance person / Admin / appropriate role
- Currency rate import for multi-currency support
- Day-to-day Petty cash management
- Claim / Travel requisition approval
- Claim / Travel requisition verification and settlement
- Petty cash reimbursement
- Petty cash reverse recovery in case of mismatch
- Petty cash accounting with split of an expense across multiple cost centers
- Automatic Journal Voucher generation for different periods
- Journal Voucher export for integration with different accounting systems and ERPs
- CSV export for day-to-day bank transactions related to claim settlements
- Role based dashboards for MD and accountant
C. Activities of Standard users
- Standard users can use website as well as Android app for submitting claims
- Android app also supports on the fly photo capture for receipts / vouchers
- 2-way sync between app and website
- Android app is functional even when No network connection is available and automatically syncs when in network
- Real time notifications on both web as well as app, provide immediate visibility of the approval progress on submitted Claim / Requisitions
- Different dashboards for MD and Accountant
- View Reports rolled out by Admin
- View graphical representation of reports