Working with Non-Profits
We take pride in the fact that we have worked with multiple non-profits to date (supported by philanthropic foundations) and also volunteer for some open-source projects.

As an enterprise, we believe in giving back to the community in whatever capacity we can.
We have been volunteering in our own way for some tech initiatives like CS Pathshala, where many from our team contribute in the form of helping create the content, translating in different languages etc. We do our bit in contributing to the open source movement, in whatever way we can.
We have also worked at a very reasonable cost (or pro-bono) for some of the NGOs by leveraging the technology skills at our disposal to make life better for the community. The founding team also leads by working with multiple social work organisations.
Our Social Activities

Shelter Associates
Shelter Associates is a Civil Services Organization working in sanitation and housing to alleviate the living conditions of the urban poor. At Soft Corner, we have built systems for shelter associates that not only show the data collected from the urban slums, spatially, but also robust systems that assist the functioning of their delivery.

Swadhar IDWC, Institute for Development of Women & Children
Swadhar IDWC is an NGO that works for development of women and children from disadvantaged backgrounds. We assist them in using the right technology and tools towards delivery of their programs

CS Pathshala
CSpathshala is an Association for Computing Machinery India (ACM India) initiative to bring a modern computing curriculum to Indian schools.
It is a project that aims to improve the computational (or critical) thinking in students from first grade to eighth grade in Indian Schools. This project has volunteers from all over the world, who have come together to define the curriculum and has developed detailed lessons and lesson plans for imparting this. All the learning material is in the open source and free to use by anyone!

Tech4Dev is an initiative to build an ecosystem of software & design companies, NGO partners, and foundations working towards creating social impact in developing countries. The initiative aims to integrate technology into development program design to build scalable and sustainable solutions. Tech4Dev aims to build resilience amongst NGOs to expand their vision, while leveraging technology in India and beyond.

Women In Tech
This is a project under Tech4Dev. Soft Corner is collaborating with Hyperverge Academy in giving internship to women with disadvantaged backgrounds or first-generation learners, from Engineering Colleges in second and third rung towns in Maharashtra.
The internship would be given to second- and third-year girl students, and they would be mentored till they reach the final year of Engineering. The aim is to create confident women who can get jobs in the best of the tech companies and where they can continue to be an inspiration for other women – and also reduce the gender disparity in most tech companies.