Our Products
With our products, we simplify the way enterprises organize and use their data. We collate different data items into actionable reports that help the management in taking decisions. Also, each product addresses real-life challenges and pain points that businesses face in complying with regulations.

Simplifying Financial Consolidation and Reporting
eMerge, our flagship product, facilitates the preparation of financial statements under Ind AS, IFRS, US GAAP and any other local financial reporting standards. It automates the computing of non-controlling interest, foreign currency translation reserve, capital reserve and goodwill
Fast implementation
Intuitive UI and Powerful reporting
Can be entirely managed by functional team

End-to-end lease administration and accounting software
Changes to the lease accounting standard have a far-reaching impact on lessees’ business processes, systems, controls and accounting. It is almost impossible to work around lease accounting using spreadsheets because of complex accounting relating to transition options, practical expedients, frequent remeasurements and modifications. LeazeOn provides automated solution to address all these issues and achieve your objectives.

Increased lease management automation
IFRS 16 and Ind AS 116 lease compliance monitoring
Holistic overview for leases re-measurement & modifications

Current and deferred tax computation software
DTAX automates current and deferred tax accounting and its corresponding disclosures required as per IAS 12 / Ind AS 12 / AS 22 – Income Taxes. Most importantly, effective tax rate reconciliation is completely automated by DTax
Automated effective tax rate reconciliation
Tracking c/f losses, MAT credit and unrecognized DTA
Provides journal entries, calculations and disclosure reports

Compliance tracking
With different compliances triggering at different points of time it becomes difficult for companies to be always on their toes and be compliant. eQuomply is a product by Soft Corner to help companies stay compliant by having a compliance workflow that not only provides timely alerts but also stores all compliance related documents and information in one place and keeps them available for audits. This is under development and would be soon ready for roll out